Our purpose
At weareginger, we specialise in defining and executing a brand's DNA, purpose, and values. By blending strategic insights with storytelling excellence, we drive both relevance and loyalty in today's competitive market.
Who We Are?
We are a creative studio obsessed with elevating your brand's worth through creativity that resonates and endures.
Under the creative eye of Jiri Langpaul our team has successfully worked on many significant local and international projects since 1998. Our first ad for Kooperativa (more than twenty years ago) was a true story built on deep human insight and the fact that sooner or later we'll all need insurance. The story was accompanied by a simple statement "Insurance, for life as it is".
That belief in creating strong bonds based on a deep understanding of human needs – showing the added value to human life – is how we make a difference for the brands we work for.
Stories win customers' attention and trust. They help you to stand out above your competitors.
Stories helped Kooperativa from a young and fresh challenger to become one of the biggest insurance companies on the market.
We create authentic narratives that help brands form deep emotional bonds with consumers.
Whether you need a transformational brand strategy or communications, to deepen your relationship with your customers, activate them, or attract new ones – we are ready to take your brief.
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